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4 Kommentare

  1. For me, the moment I understood that the ‹product› a TV channel sells is the user/viewer’s attention was scary. That was a decade ago. With the internet it’s not just our attention, but also information about our habits and behaviours that Google or Facebook sell. So even if I shield myself from ads with ad-blockers, those companies can still make money from my information.

    1. That’s exactly right, Gabriel. And as I mention on the side on the page Surveillance and Privacy, there are nice and pretty easy ways to avoid that: disable all third party tracking, or outright disable all cookies. The latter makes some online web apps or forums that you want to participate in a bit cumbersome (you have to whitelist each one, including any subdomains or authentication domains they use), but it is worthwhile. Living outside the youtube-bubble for a few weeks myself now, for instance, has surfaced a lot of completely new topics for me.

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