I just discovered Shoshana Zuboff’s news. I am more unsettled than ever, and I feel obliged to tell you about it. Announcement: I created a summary page to keep track of what is going on with this topic at «surveillance and privacy». Her book «The age of surveillance capitalism» asserts that the internet has ushered …
Grammar and Spell Checking on shrib.com with Grammarly
shrib.com has a vast user base across the world. These are people who value text, quality, and reliability above anything else. That’s why I am so excited to announce today that we partnered with Grammarly. We are bringing the best grammar and spell checking to everyone using shrib.com.
A Secure Online Notepad
I just launched secure.shrib.com, a new iteration of the secure alternative to shrib.com. shrib.com is used by millions of people around the world. The following is an invitation behind the scenes.
shrib.com Video Tutorial: Using Bookmarklets
The second screencast video tutorial for shrib.com demonstrates bookmarklets:
shrib.com Video Tutorial: Publish a Web Page
There have been lots of requests, I have been shy, but here we go: a very first screencast video tutorial for shrib.com:
Searching The Truth Through Crowdfunding
The crowdfunding campaign for rich text formatting in shrib.com is over. It is about 99% off target. Below target, that is. And I am thrilled. «What!?» I hear you say.
Getting Personal
I have decided to switch from unpersonal advertisements to a personal blog on shrib.com.