I have decided to switch from unpersonal advertisements to a personal blog on shrib.com.
For the last few years, I have occasionally run ads. I tried to keep them as unobtrusive as possible. However, they looked unpersonal and unfriendly to me when I used the notepad myself. They made my web app look as dull and sneaky as so many other sites on the net. The truth is: the effort wasn’t even really worth it. The revenue from those ads didn’t even come close to the cost of running the site.
On the other hand, I watch the shrib.com site statistics, and I am amazed by the truly global use of the app, and I would love to get more personally involved with everyone of you. I make quite a few interesting choices in my life, and I am sure so do you. Let us get a bit closer and share our thoughts.
From now on, I will mostly stop running ads on shrib.com. I will let you know whenever I post another relevant article to my blog, and I look forward to your comments and feedback. So now it is your turn:
- How do you like that? Do you prefer personal dialogue over plain ads?
- Have you ever met a person behind one of your favorite tools? Who was it?